Welcome to The Living Room!

Welcome to The Living Room!

I'm developing this blog to foster a warm community of people interested in ideas, art, science and practice around personal development and flourishing.

I work as an executive coach, and founded a company whose mission is helping people to find success at work in a way that provides satisfaction across all areas of their lives (you can check us out at www.madeleineshaw.com.au).

Leadership, learning, the wonderful brain/body connection, presence, influence, emotions, thinking, effectiveness, flow and FUN.

I want to know more, and do more!

The world is our living room so let's get living.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Right. Back in Action.

Well, didn't those months just fly by.


1. Alcohol Free Year.

I did indeed stay off the drink for 2011. It was surprisingly easy. I was talking with a friend the other day who mentioned that it must have taken enormous determination, but it really didn't. The key was in just deciding - really deciding - to do it. Then, decision made, no inner turmoil. A lesson I will be taking to other arenas of life, no doubt.

I launched a phone coaching program, Get Unstuck. This is especially for people who, by all appearances, are doing well in their careers but who are secretly unhappy and wondering:

"Is this all there is?"

Because it's by phone, it works really well for people because they don't have to get time away from the office or explain who they're meeting. I've been helping some really great people, including in countries outside Australia - so that has been fantastic. If you'd like to find out more, you can take a look at the website or drop me a line.

3. Resilience work.

I've been doing more and more work with The Resilience Institute and this has been fantastic. In particular, we've been working with lots of legal teams and financial services organisations, bringing them the science and latest thinking on how to feel great, focused and perform well. And maybe even enjoy it - perhaps flourish??

4. Art & Science of Human Potential

This is my daily e-newspaper and it has been steadily gathering readers. It's a great way to connect with likeminded, interesting people and get a cross-section of ideas in areas like wellbeing, health, fitness and resilience.

5. Writing!

My new hot topic is PLAY and I have been busily sharing my ideas and the great work of researcher Stuart Brown. If you're interested, check them out:

Perfectionism & Play - Resilience newsletter 
Why It's Essential to Play - Mortgage Professional Australia magazine

So... happy to be back in the Living Room! Very glad to have you here.

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